atomic theory

美 [əˌtɑːmɪk ˈθiːəri]英 [əˌtɒmɪk ˈθɪəri]
  • n.原子论
atomic theoryatomic theory


chemistry 化 physics 物原子论
the theory that all elements are made up of small particles called atoms which are made up of a central nucleus surrounded by moving electrons


(chemistry) any theory in which all matter is composed of tiny discrete finite indivisible indestructible particles
the ancient Greek philosophers Democritus and Epicurus held atomic theories of the universe
Synonym: atomism atomist theory atomistic theory
a theory of the structure of the atom


  1. The atomic theory of matter is so abstract that it can be fully understood only by advanced students .


  2. Research on the Reasonableness of Dalton 's the Rule of the Simplest in Atomic Theory


  3. The atomic theory is important .


  4. The atomic theory was not accepted until the last century .


  5. The present symbols express the system set out by the atomic theory of matter .


  6. But , at the same time , we do know about the atomic theory of matter .


  7. Application of Electronic and Atomic Theory Calculation in the Alloy Design of High-Carbon Alloy Steel


  8. The maximal function theory and atomic theory of H ~ p ( M ) spaces is set up .


  9. In modern times the importance of the atomic theory is even more evident in political than in physical science .


  10. Before the atomic theory of matter , and molecules , and so forth was well worked out .


  11. So , up here , atomic theory , periodic table , bonding , structures and molecules .


  12. He was also one of the earliest materialists of ancient Greece and one of the founders of atomic theory .


  13. English chemist and physicist who formulated atomic theory and the law of partial pressures ( 1766-1844 ) .


  14. The seven-step method of setting up enterprise e-business model based on the atomic theory is important and instructional for enterprises implementing e-business .


  15. Then you can see how you can have very easily different arrangement of corpuscles within substances , a kind of atomic theory .


  16. Niel Bohr , Danish physicist , received the Nobel Prize for Physics in1922 in recognition of his contributions to atomic theory .


  17. By comparison , Marx thought Epicurus ' atomic theory to be more advanced , far more advanced than Democritus ' . Marx thought it had provided the logical possibility for freedom and liberation .


  18. Some of the history books on chemistry hold such a view that the the rule of the simplest , put forward by Dalton in his atomic theory , is personal , hurried , and unscientific .


  19. Reduction of a Generalized Coulomb Integral in Atomic Scattering Theory


  20. The Nitrogen content distribution model of high temperature Nitriding can be inferred from atomic diffuse theory and Nitrogen layer hardness test result .


  21. Oppenheimer approximation in atomic collision theory


  22. The logistics of wheat fuel ethanol ecosystem is analyzed and estimated utilizing generalized atomic economic theory , and the path to make atomic economic theory further improvement is presented .


  23. In this paper , we present Oppenheimer approximation in atomic collision theory , and the approximation method is used for calculations of e-H elastic scattering .


  24. The experimental results show that the growth mechanism of the KTP crystal coincides with the linear law and the law of the parabola of surface or volume diffusion of the BCF atomic growth theory .


  25. Based on the non atomic game theory , the Aumann Shapley ( A S ) prices , which are determined by five strong atomic , are used to allocate the joint cost or surplus .


  26. The tested results have showed that the binding force between atoms Ti and the diamond surface is bigger than Ni , which is agreement with the atomic structure theory of diamond polycrystals [ 1 ] .


  27. From the view of atomic structure theory , the structures of metal , non-metal as well as their compounds , and the covalent organic compounds have been analyzed , and hence the corresponding rule between structure and color of substance is concluded .


  28. Studying the Permittivity of Atomic by the Theory of Quantum Optics


  29. Non - relativistic and relativistic atomic configuration interaction theory excitation energy and radiative transition probability


  30. How S. Cannizzaro demonstrated the atomic - molecular theory
